
Today's Church 1st Century Roots

It could be asked, "How can today's contemporary church successfully attain to the early church's vitality?"

To answer this question, we need to look, not so much at what we're doing today, but at what they were doing back then. We need to begin to see past our present day church cultural assumptions, language and concepts.

Jesus gave some very definitive directions to the church fathers before they began to build church and He has never rescinded those imperatives.

  • These directives were not about the form that church would take, but allowed for differences in culture and expression to reach the people group in which the church is immersed.
  • When obeyed, local church will ultimately rise above the community status quo to model godliness and mercy.

Thank God that we are not required to replicate the form of the first centruy church (as some would have us do). But, just what are we to replicate then? We'll be putting some of these things into context on the various pages of this website.

Propelling The 1st Century Church Upward

Of course the sudden ascendancy of the church was an act of God, but to stop examining there would be premature. That which fueled the fire of God was the repentance of the new believers from their personal and family sins. Those who came to God and His ways were refreshed with great peace in Him, Acts 3:19. This refreshment did not come from merely attending "church," giving tithes and worshiping: the fire of repentance refreshed and renewed them internally, making the way clear to hear God, be empowered, and release His Kingdom on earth through new believers and the seasoned alike.

We'll look more at how this might apply to contemporary church.


Why This Website?

For Those Seeking More of God


Themselves and Their Church

Having ministered around the world, pastored churches in Eastern Europe and the USA we've experienced the outpouring and presence of God in public meetings, conferences and in the day-to-day life of local church.

We've noticed that there are some important elements of the Christian's walk which are often missing from regions and from local churches: Perhaps some of these omissions have influenced your viewpoint. We look not with denominational eyes, cultural haughtiness nor through the lens of religious tradition, but with an expectation of God's manifest presence being there when believers come together. It could be in Borneo, Eastern Europe, South East Asia, India, Egypt,Western Europe, North America, South America, Down Under or wherever. We have both experienced Him in these places and also seen where there were things hindering His presence that could be dealt with.

Maybe you can't quite put your finger on it, but you know that there's more. Perhaps we can help you begin to find that more of what you're looking for if it is God you are seeking. Take a look at the website and see.

The Public Face of the Church at Jerusalem

It was all about Releasing the Kingdom of God into the population.

People came into a saving belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and into repentance from sin.

Saving belief is not an intellectual assent but a core identity affirmation beginning with acknowledgment of God as Creator, and Jesus as God, Savior and Lord, leading to an understanding that His ways are not our ways and that we need to change from our ways to His.

Following Jesus's ascention, Ekklesia was initiated through signs and wonders - the manifestation of God's Kingdom here on earth, getting the peoples attention, bringing heart conviction of the Almighty as they saw death visit Ananias and Sapphira and healing and restoration to the infirm, sick and dying. God used the ordinary people He transformed into disciples as His agents to do these things - Its nearly unbelievevable, but He is still transforming ordinary people into disciples and they are operating with the same power today.

The church grew by leaps and bounds and was well respected, even by unbelievers

A respect for Church that is generally not present today. Signs and wonders were taking place at the hands of the more recent converts as well as the original disciples and the church was in one accord. Those refusing to join the church were afraid to come near as they wished to not have their sins exposed in the rich presence of the Lord at all meetings and assemblies.