
Repair And Restoration

In contemporary church Bible teaching, we get the sweep of the famous stories and often great morality teaching on how we should be. We learn about Jesus and the disciples ministering to crowds and to the individual in need. After Jesus ascension, we see the disciples carrying on, basically in the same manner.

But there is another story, often missed that can be mined out from the Scriptures. Personal transformation of the disciples was required to activate them in ministry. Returning to the story of Jesus first sending out the twelve in Matthew 10:7-8 we are both captivated and honestly, if we imagine ourselves in that situation, we're overwhelmed. Based on our personal, contemporary, experience we should be, perhaps, just a little intimidated!

Can you imagine, being sent out to do all the things Jesus did: Declaring publicly God's Kingdom, Healing the sick, Casting out evil spirits, Cleansing the lepers and Raising the dead? The biblical record shows that they did just that!

How could they? We miss Jesus' tag line on this passage: "Freely you received, now freely give." Of course, the disciples stood beside Jesus as He did these things, so they would have some procedural understanding. But there's more: Jesus was reminding them He had ministered to each one of them in the same way in healing and deliverance. They had received personal ministry and therefore internal transformation: and that is still available today. Jesus told the Syrophoenician woman that healing is the children's bread - normal, common and needed for life - it is still available and needed. While God can give this unilaterally, He often uses disciples to bring this bread to the needy.

There are several reasons why we are not regularly seeing the ministry of Jesus in our churches: First of all, we are not instructed in it, secondly, we've not been healed and cleansed enough to responsibly handle God's power and compassion, thirdly, we don't believe it's for today, and finally, we don't believe God could use us to do these things. Unbelief resists the ministry of God, Matthew 13:58.


Progression From Believer

To Disciple

Over the last thirty years we've experienced and invited the presence of God into situations over and over again. As we've discipled others to experience, and initiate conditions that invite God's presence, we've noted that there are some steps that would normally be present in personal transformation leading to being a disciple of Jesus today.

Some Steps Toward Discipleship

  • Salvation.
  • Baptism in water and Holy Spirit
  • Cleansing from personal and family sins
  • Seeking God and learning to hear His voice.
  • Studying and learning the Scriptures
  • Learning about Kingdom principles
  • Learn about Spiritual tools and practice their use
  • Learn about Spiritual Gifts and practice their use
  • Develop responsibility to Leadership
  • Develop responsibility to God
  • Put "Old Man" to death - Our agenda for life.
  • Seek and begin to adopt God's plan for our life
  • Begin to be imbued with love for God
  • Develop a love for others (compassion and mercy).

Accountability Is Part of Discipleship

Personal accountability on a weekly (or more frequent) basis is required to bring about transformation. Some training can be initiated through books, videos and other teaching materials. But there must be both a vulnerability to teaching and correction. A small group setting is one form for growth and accountability: The required elements would be: worship, Bible teaching and a place for airing of life's difficulties. Life issues would receive counsel and sins would need to be confessed, repented from with forgivness administered. Without this Spirit led ministry like Jesus spoke of in Matthew 10:8, no substantitve changes, leading to discipleship transformation will be accomplished.

Disciples will be able to practice doing what Jesus did, e.g., stand in front of groups to: welcome them, teach about the Kingdom of God and heal all who are in need, Luke 9:11.



At Cana, in John 2, Mary introduces the servants to Jesus and tells them, "Whatever He says to you, do it." We can discuss discipleship, our church growth or expansion of our ministry. But these are results from our pursuit of God. Ultimately, we have no power over our destiny, it's in God's hands.

. . . His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence . . . 2Peter 1:3

If we pursue God for Him alone. Whether we become, a great leader, a worker of miracles, an influencer of nations or a martyr: It all depends on God. There is a difference between ambition and desire. If we seek Him, then we can only watch, listen and either obey or not, just as the servants at Cana did.

Again, our destiny is in His hands. What God gives can help ministries, congregations, missions groups and individuls to find increased intimacy with Him. Out of that destiny unfolds. We hope that our sharing here has let you see somethings a little differently or perhaps added to your journey. With that in mind . . .

Take a look at a few of the things in the Television and Video article on the About page. Write to us via the Contact page if you'd like to follow up on anything you've seen here.

Sometimes a perspective shift can give you a new avenue for your life's travel. Out of that God will fulfill.


Need In The Body Of Christ

Compassion: How blessed is he who considers the helpless, Psalm41:1 We've been looking at seeking the presence of God in this website. But now we want to turn our eyes towards congregational needs.

God's People Are Perishing from Lack of Knowledge.

Deep needs within our congregations are going unmet in contemporary church, but God wants to heal these who are helplessly caught.

Behind our church smiles and Sunday best clothes is this:

  • Divorce, 50% of 1st, 67% of 2nd and 73% of 3rd marriages.
  • Childhood sexual abuse, 1 in 5 for girls and 1 in 20 boys.
  • Suicide - 4th leading cause of death with 50% being depressed and 90% having diagnosable psychiatric problems.
  • Mental illness, 1 in 5, with 42.5 million suffering in USA.
  • Teenage pregnancy, 3 in 10
  • Infertility, in women,12%, in men 7.5% (ages 15-44).
  • Substance abuse, 1 in 10 with 23 million experiences in USA
  • Sickness, joblessness, and more

In ministry experience we've seen God deal with all of these afflictions. We've trained many in local church to bring effective prayer ministry into the lives of those in need: Not just to comfort, but to bring healing and restoration. Present-day disciples, hearing from God and walking in Jesus' authority have Jesus' keys to the Kingdom to deal with these problems.

Can we have a nice church and not bring Jesus into these situations?


Gallery Page

On the Gallery Page, we've showcased several of our publications which may be purchased worldwide from or through our publishers directly. But the DVD sets, at this time, are only available by writing to us via our contact page - we will be happy to let you know the cost including shipping when we know of your location.

We have also highlighted a few of our one-day seminars and, our Six-day school, Answering Christ's Call which may be presented either on six consecutive days or over two weekends with intervening weekday evening sessions.

Training courses and seminars can be adjusted to meet congregational needs.

Let us know of your interest or questions. Write to us from the Contact page.